What do you remember about your kinder experience?
We had a piano in the room that my teacher would play. There was a rest time on mats, and I was always being asked to lay back down when I would pop my head up to peek at everyone who was sleeping (while I was not)!
Have you always worked in Early Childhood Education? Yes, I was a babysitter for a child with additional needs in my teens, then a nanny and childcare worker in the UK and USA in my early 20’s. I returned to Australia to study my Diploma in Early Childhood, and met Marina when we worked together over 20 years ago! I took a break while raising my three children, and have returned to working in Early Childhood in the past 9 years.
What are your favourite kindergarten activities? I love working with natural materials with the children, such as playdough, wood, or wool. I like creating small world activities for children to engage with and discover. I enjoy the conversations I have with children, connecting with them about their experiences and their families, friends and pets.
What is your favourite food? I’m obsessed with Japan and Japanese food.
What do you like to do when you are not at kinder? I love knitting, reading books, sewing, and making food from scratch (like sourdough bread and preserving food from my garden).