What do you remember about your kinder experience?
Finger-painting on the tables. It was really cold and squishy between my fingers. I also remember group times on the mat, singing songs with our teachers.
Have you always worked in Early Childhood Education? Most of my working life has been in Early Childhood Education, as a teacher, educator or in management. I have also been a Primary School teacher and tutor and I once taught English to French exchange students.
What are your favourite kindergarten activities? I love playdough. It is such a versatile activity that enriches and promotes all areas of development. Playdough is only limited by our imagination and children often teach me wonderful things through their playdough creations.
What is your favourite food? For a home cooked meal I really love pasta bolognese or lasagne. If my family and I are going out, I love a good Indian or Thai curry, or Japanese.
What do you like to do when you are not at kinder? Working on my family yearbooks, crafting, or tending to my indoor jungle!